Who We Are

STELLAR and SAGA are sister nonprofit organizations founded by Samuel Hahn, Justin Halprin, Nathaniel Landa, and Marjorie Luzuriaga. STELLAR had additional co-founders later, including Nathaniel Landa and Milo Gihool. As explained in the bylaws, Samuel and Justin fully oversee both organizations, with there being local leaders for teams and districts. These divisional leaders then control teams and, subsequently, members.


Samuel Hahn: Founder of STELLAR and SAGA / President

Justin Halprin: Founder of STELLAR and SAGA / President

Marjorie Luzuriaga: Founder of STELLAR and SAGA

Nathaniel Landa: Founder of STELLAR / President of STELLAR

Milo Gilhool: Founder of STELLAR / President of STELLAR

Mia Maslak: President of SAGA

Roan Hafter: President of SAGA