

Backround information, credentials, education, and significant accomplishments  

There have been a lot of experiences and leadership positions I was able to accumulate throughout my high school years. However, I believe that rather than listing them all, it would be best if I were able to display the most relevant and significant work or leadership experiences here on this page. Therefore, the activities on the right serve to explain why I believe I am qualified to teach or give advice for all the subjects listed on the website.

STELLAR & SAGA - dual nonprofit organizations
I am the Co-founder of these two sister nonprofit organizations STELLAR and SAGA. STELLAR is for science and math while SAGA for history and literature. We are an afterschool program and have partnered with the YMCA by contacting the Executive Director and initiating the after-school science fairs or mock trials. I have interviewed applicants promoted non-profit via social media, self-coded website, delegated work to divisional leaders, fundraised hundreds of dollars, and grown a team of five to 40. We have set goals to franchise to other cities such as Santa Barbara and Boston for the 2024-2025 school year.

High School Debate Team Captain and Co-founder (9-12th grade)
I have been the debate captain for the Larchmont Charter team ever since its foundation in 2020. I co-founded the team with members of my middle school mock trial team and have competed in LAMDL for tournaments the past four years

Researched AI Ethics with UCLA Professor Ramesh Srinivasan
I am working with Professor Ramesh Srinivasan to research topics ranging from the ethics of Artificial intelligence to the impact that developing technologies currently and could have on your culture and society as a whole. I have been helping organize slideshow presentations, sort research notes to different chapters for new book developments, and help explore ideas related to such topics.

Researched American History and Economics with University of Chicago Professor Eleanor Gilburd
I am researching with UChicago Professor Elenonory Gilburd about the Cross-cultural encounters in and beyond Europe, from the Renaissance to the Cold War. After completing a forty-page thesis, I decided to join the Alumni Society and now help as an advisor for newer scholars.

National Honor Society Project Leader (10th), Secretary (11th), President (12th)
I was a project leader for my school's NHS branch, fundraising money and materials to donate to local children's hospitals in my 10th grade. As a junior, I managed all of the communication as the secretary of NHS. Finally, I was elected President of NHS my senior year leading the entire organization.

School Wide Site Council Secetary of Board (11th-12th)
I was nominated as one of the two high school representatives to our school-wide site council. The board votes on issues such as budgeting and scheduling for the school, and discusses long-term goals for all four Larchmont Charter campuses. My junior year, I was elected as the secretary for the entire board and I take all the meeting notes, making sure everyone's ideas and thoughts area accounted for.
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